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WATCH: Ex-British Army Chief cut off by Sky News after questioning UK’s Assad Chemical Attack narrative [VIDEO]

A former Chief of the British Armed Forces had his live interview with Sky News abruptly cut short after casting serious doubt on the UK government’s narrative that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was definitely to blame for an apparent chemical attack on the city of Douma.

General Jonathan Shaw, who was made Assistant Chief of Defence staff for the British Army in 2009, was being interviewed by Sky News when he was abruptly cut short after he questioned “what possible motive” Assad could possibly have had for launching a chemical attack on his own people.

The interviewer had initially asked Shaw:

“Do you think anything of what we’ve heard from either Sergei Lavrov or indeed the Russian Ambassador (who said that the Chemical attack was staged by rebels) has made it more difficult for the UK to launch any kind of attack without putting it to Parliament?”

Ex-army Chief Shaw responded by casting serious doubt on the UK government’s narrative to unequivocally blame Assad for the attack, stating:

“I think quite apart from all that the debate that seems to be missing from this, is that – and this was actually mentioned by the Ambassador – was what possible motive could have triggered Syria to launch a chemical attack at this time and this place?

You know, the Syrians are winning! And don’t take my word for it – take the American military’s word for it!

General Votel – the head of CENTCOM – said to Congress the other day that ‘Assad has won this war and we need to face that.’

And then you got last week the statement by Trump that America had finished with ISIL and that we were going to pull out soon.

And then suddenly you get….”

At which point the Sky News interviewer abruptly cuts Shaw off, saying:

“Okay I’m very sorry – you’ve been ever-so patient waiting for us, but we’ll have to leave it there.”

General Shaw was responsible for Chemical Biological Radiological & Nuclear Policy, Arms Control during his time as Assistant Chief of Defence Staff with the British army until his retirement in 2012.

You can watch the incredible interview that casts serious doubt on the UK government’s narrative for war in Syria below:

UPDATE: Sky News have since clarified that the cut off was due to Ofcom regulations:


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