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Brexiteers are getting hilariously triggered at a kids’ TV show that reveals tea isn’t actually British

Right-wingers are always extremely quick to brand people as “snowflakes” for getting offended by things they perceive to be insignificant – but Brexiteers and Tory supporters across the land are genuinely getting their Union Jack knickers in a twist at a kids’ TV show for teaching our children things such as the fact that tea isn’t actually British.

Yesterday was the final day before Brexit – and to mark it, the BBC’s dedicated childrens’ channel, CBBC, posted a tweet containing a short clip from a 2009 episode of Horrible Histories, accompanied by a newly recorded introduction from comedian Nish Kumar.

The clip, amongst other things, contains the startling facts that a lot of Britain’s tea originates from India, and some of the sugar that many people put in it comes from the Carribbean.

The segment also mentions the fact that Britain was active in the slave trade, that it started wars in order to steal the resources of other countries, and that the Queen is actually of foreign descent.


The clip essentially teaches kids that many of the things one might simply assume were made in Britain are not, and that some actually have particularly horrible histories – hence the title of the show.

However, many Brexiteers were furious at the BBC for teaching kids the truth about Britain – with some genuinely branding the clip as ‘BBC Remain propaganda’ and another literally, and quite hilariously, calling it “ANTI-BRITISH RACISM”:




However, some found it pretty ironic that the same right-wingers who are forever labelling those who call out *insignificant* things like rampant racism and creeping fascism as “snowflakes” were genuinely getting triggered at a kids’ TV show for literally stating certifiable facts:


Happy Brexit everybody.

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