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Tory Party Chairman James Cleverly accused of causing M11 crash whilst “speeding and using phone”

The newly installed Chairman of the Conservative Party, James Cleverly, has been accused of causing a collision on the M11 motorway whilst allegedly “speeding and using his phone“.

A video showing the aftermath of the incident has also emerged, with Cleverly refusing to state his name when asked by the occupant of the damaged vehicle.

Writing on Twitter, the apparent victim, Asim, claimed that Cleverly had hit his car whilst “speeding and using his phone“:

“This guy James Cleverly is a dishonest and a Liar of a person. He is not to be trusted. He hit my car on M11 while speeding and using his phone. At the scene he admitted it was his fault. He damaged my new car. When i contacted him he said he is not accepting liability.Shame on u

In a statement sent to Evolve, Asim told us:

“On 16th August around 19.40 I was going to Bishop Stortford. As I was taking the exit lane of Bishop Stortford on the M11, a car moved from the middle lane into the left lane in front of me. I was forced to move slighty into the hard shoulder as the car was about to hit me, and when I looked to the right I saw the driver was on his phone and he didn’t see me. I then sped up to avoid the collison, and then all of the sudden the left passenger side of the car hit my driver’s back side causing damage to my new car.”

“At that time I didnt know that this guy was James Cleverly, a Conservative MP. I only found out today when i googled his name and found him on tweeter.”

“However, at the scene of the accident he said it was his fault and said he was on the phone. We exchanged contact number and address and he said he would get it sorted out.”

“I should’ve really contacted the police, however I didn’t want to make a scene – I was happy as long as my car got repaired. However, Mr Cleverly took a U turn and changed his statement.”

Evolve Politics has also contacted Mr Cleverly for more details. We are yet to receive a response.

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