Tory Home Office Minister in hot water after admitting the Police urgently need more money to counter rising crime
Tory austerity has left ENTIRE CITIES without a single police station as Scotland Yard admits it has “run out of things to sell”
Fury as Tories launch bargain basement plan to train Police Detectives in just 12 weeks
LISTEN: Tory Home Secretary hilariously denies reading HER OWN research after it exposes BLATANT Tory incompetence [AUDIO]
‘Psychotic’ man with gun told to email police to hand himself in as Tory cuts close local station
REWARD OUR PUBLIC HEROES: Callous Tories will CUT last night’s first responders
WATCH: Manchester cop tells Theresa May cuts WILL lead to terrorism. May said he’s ‘scaremongering’ & ‘crying wolf’
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