Nigel Farage accused of faking bizarre letter from ’10-year old Brexiteer’ whose ‘pro-EU teachers’ supposedly “brainwash” him
The Conservative Party are on the brink of splitting over Theresa May’s botched Brexit deal
The EU’s threat to impose failed economics on Italy shows exactly why Jeremy Corbyn has got it right over Brexit
Tories ridiculed after shamelessly taking credit for new EU law to protect holidaymakers
The ‘NHS Brexit Dividend’ was a huge distraction – Brexit negotiations are about to get cataclysmic for Theresa May and the Tories
Time’s up for British capitalism. So, what’s holding back the alternative?
Jeremy Corbyn savages hapless Theresa May after she admits the Tories are preparing for a no-deal Brexit
When you actually break things down, the notion of ‘Nationalism’ really is incredibly stupid.
Deluded Brexiteer living in Germany installs post-WWII army tank in garden – as a ‘sign of peace’
Corbyn was right to sack the Blairite rebels. The Single Market is a tool of the super-rich
Leaving the single market will unleash the full potential of Corbynism, no wonder the Blairites want to stay in it
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