WATCH: 2 Minutes and 20 Seconds of Mick Lynch Destroying The UK Mainstream Media
Anti-Corbyn Labour MPs in peril as UK’s biggest Trade Union ‘backs Mandatory Reselection vote’ at 2018 Labour Conference
Time’s up for British capitalism. So, what’s holding back the alternative?
New figures show Labour coffers thriving with NO super-rich donors, whilst Tories stay firmly in the trough
This video savaging the Tories on poverty pay is going viral because it’s hilariously accurate [VIDEO]
Uber being stripped of their London licence signals the first nail in the coffin for the gig economy
The pro-EU Blairites couldn’t care less about workers. Their only aim is to ensure big business always wins.
The Tories have just sneaked out yet more plans aimed at weakening workers’ rights
Tory says rail strikers are terrorists and compares them to Islamic terror groups
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