The Tories have passed a bill giving the government powers to legally murder their political opponents. Yes, seriously.
Tory MPs literally spent last night laughing and joking about their role in destroying the country
Nobody’s quite sure whether the Tories’ latest bonkers Irish border ‘solution’ proposal is a joke or not
REVEALED: The Winners – The Fake News Awards 2017
Jeremy Corbyn savages hapless Theresa May after she admits the Tories are preparing for a no-deal Brexit
Tory post-Brexit immigration plans based on absolutely no evidence, leaked documents reveal
Huge row engulfs BBC as ex-Conservative aide reveals shocking details of Beeb’s pro-Tory favours
Vote Leave Brexit Chief brands Tory Brexit secretary David Davis ‘thick as mince’ and ‘lazy as a toad’
LISTEN: Tory MP exposed saying a Brexit no deal is a ‘real ni***r in the woodpile’
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