Tory post-Brexit immigration plans based on absolutely no evidence, leaked documents reveal
Driverless lorries could mean 600,000 lost jobs. It’s time we took a universal basic income seriously.
The pro-EU Blairites couldn’t care less about workers. Their only aim is to ensure big business always wins.
Tory Energy Cap U-Turn allows British Gas fat-cats to HIKE prices by 12.5% despite MASSIVE profits
Beautiful South singer offered all his royalties to taxpayer. Tories refused because it was ‘nationalisation’
Official unemployment figures are now so low they could expose the Tories’ shameless figure-fiddling lies
Philip ‘nurses are overpaid’ Hammond rakes in £10k a month in rent whilst living rent-free off the taxpayer
The Tories’ genius scheme to boost employment? Sacking almost 1000 Jobcentre staff
David Cameron basically just said nurses are ‘SELFISH’. What planet are the Tories on, seriously?
Jeremy Corbyn just savagely exposed Boris Johnson’s brazen hypocrisy over shameful Tory pay cap
Corbyn was right to sack the Blairite rebels. The Single Market is a tool of the super-rich
Leaving the single market will unleash the full potential of Corbynism, no wonder the Blairites want to stay in it
If young people turn up to vote in droves on June 8th, Jeremy Corbyn WILL be the next Prime Minister
This viral pro-Tory graphic is complete and utter bullsh*t. Are you really gullible enough to fall for it?
The right-wing press are LYING to you about Labour’s ‘Land Value Tax’. Here’s the truth.
Labour to hit banks with Robin Hood Tax to save Britain’s public services
Corbyn’s manifesto is the clearest challenge to the powerful that we have seen from any Labour leader for decades
Corbyn has unveiled a 20-point plan to end the rigged economy and challenge the super-rich
You probably won’t believe just how biased the BBC’s latest anti-Corbyn attack actually is
On International Women’s Day, the Tories’ Budget brought back the Tampon Tax
Hammond’s despicable Budget shows that the Tories will always attack the vulnerable
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