Why don’t the BBC think a plot to assassinate Jeremy Corbyn is headline news?
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WATCH: Furious Labour MP savages BBC for ‘media blackout’ of Corbyn Peace Prize [VIDEO]
BBC’s Laura Kuenssberg was invited to speak at the Tory Conference by Iain Duncan Smith’s thinktank
WATCH: President Maduro says BBC ‘has turned into something horrible’ and are ‘manipulators of information’ [VIDEO]
The BBC has a huge problem with pay, but their lack of class-diversity is just as toxic
The BBC just broadcast a sign calling the Tories ‘c*nts’
BBC interview “impartial” voice on NHS cuts. He’s a MILLIONAIRE ex-PRIVATE HEALTH CONSULTANT & TORY COUNCILLOR
Theresa May just crumbled into pieces during a powderpuff interview on the BBC
The huge contrast in coverage between these Tory & Labour gaffes shows Britain’s ‘free press’ is utterly broken
BBC cameraman too stupid to get out of the way of moving car
The BBC licence fee is now simply a charge to be spoon-fed right-wing propaganda
Two men who earn over £80k debate Labour’s high-wealth tax – this is why the BBC is biased AF.
You probably won’t believe just how biased the BBC’s latest anti-Corbyn attack actually is
A private contractor lost patient data, but the BBC blamed the NHS
The BBC has been forced to deny Laura Kuenssberg is biased against Jeremy Corbyn
The BBC are teaming up with Facebook to debunk ‘fake news’ – things are going to get messy
Could the BBC be about to demote Laura Kuenssberg over ‘breached impartiality’ on Corbyn?
Is the BBC’s war on ‘fake news’ a ruse to censor and eliminate alternative media?
The BBC are absolutely taking the p*ss with their latest smear on Corbyn and his supporters
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