Michael Gove’s wife just said abusing Muslims is “clever and funny”
BBC accused of covering up Theresa May’s role in the horrific murder of 29 children
Meet the Tory Politician who believes people ‘should be able to call Jews “parasites”‘
BBC silent as top Tories exposed holding secret meetings with neo-Nazi leader accused of antisemitism
Anti-Corbyn Labour MPs exposed attending lavish party alongside rabid antisemite
The Tories have now wasted £HALF A BILLION of YOUR money bailing out privatised probation services
The Conservative Party Chairman just posted possibly the most disgustingly hypocritical tweet in UK political history
New research shows UK Child Poverty has skyrocketed to 33.4% of ALL children – the Tories should be truly ashamed
Damning new research completely shatters Tory claim that “work is the best route out of poverty”
Theresa May LIED – the Tories HAVE NOT adopted the IHRA definition of antisemitism in their rulebook
Tory underfunding has FORCED the overstretched NHS to privatise £1 BILLION of urgent care as a last resort
Calls for Tory Chairman and Chief Whip to be sacked after Whistleblower claims they knowingly lied over Pairing Breach
The Tories ‘CHEATED to win crucial Brexit votes’ by lying to pregnant MP on Maternity Leave
Theresa May ‘running scared of democracy’ after tabling motion to shut down Parliament five days early
Tory MP Michael Fabricant ‘should resign’ after posting ‘vile racist’ image of pig mounting Sadiq Khan
WATCH: CHAOS as Tories “forget” to allow MPs to read crucial Brexit White Paper before debate [VIDEO]
BREAKING: A Vote of No Confidence in Theresa May could be just HOURS away
New Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab: UK should ABOLISH Paid Holiday, and SCRAP Minimum Wage for young people
No Magic Money Tree? The Tories just pledged £5MILLION to pay for Donald Trump to play golf.
“Shameless” Tory DWP Minister slammed for ‘taunting’ foodbank users with expensive breakfast tweet
WATCH: The BBC’s veiled political bias just got exposed by some utterly damning statistics [VIDEO]
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