Dominic Cummings supporters are spreading lies about a Labour MP who almost died of Coronavirus to distract from Tory lockdown scandal
An astonishing lie in Theresa May’s Stoke Brexit speech has been uncovered BEFORE she’s even delivered it
The Daily Mail named and shamed as the most untrustworthy UK media outlet for third year running
BBC ridiculed for obsessing over Corbyn wreath story whilst virtually ignoring London Terror Attack
Conservative Youth Group Activate falsely accuse Jeremy Corbyn of meeting Syrian President Assad in 2016
The S*n was just forced to make a MASSIVE 11-paragraph apology for publishing an article FULL of lies
WATCH: Jacob Rees-Mogg just brazenly LIED about Jeremy Corbyn’s voting record live on Channel 4 [VIDEO]
Ben Bradley MADE UP claims about his local authority using an Indian call centre while he was a Tory councillor
The Corbyn Czech Spy story is a HOAX – the Czech Security Service Director just all but confirmed it
The Sun’s latest anti-Labour smear is outright fake news – and Theresa May’s fake news unit is nowhere to be seen
The Sun forced to apologise after ‘accidentally’ telling blatant lies about train drivers’ salaries
REVEALED: The Winners – The Fake News Awards 2017
POLL: The Evolve Politics Fake News Awards 2017 – Choose YOUR Winners (Losers) NOW!
If you think the backdrop to Labour’s Party Conference is a mosque, you know nothing of British history.
The Daily Mail use a Photoshopped picture of Muslim foster carer, adding a fake veil
Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp blames ‘fake news’ after recording MASSIVE financial losses
The Telegraph just published a full obituary for Prince Philip, who is definitely still alive.
Right-wing press tried shaming a footballer for being a ‘devout Muslim’. He’s actually a devout Christian.
The Tories are facing legal action after using unauthorised NME image on their latest Corbyn attack ad
The media is taking you for a fool about Labour’s “student debt pledge” – here’s the truth
Theresa May LIED. Labour did NOT start the cladding of tower blocks – Thatcher did. Here’s the proof [Video]