EXCLUSIVE: Conservative Party rules on racism and antisemitism do not apply to rank and file Tory members
WATCH: George Osborne’s face turns from smug to despair as his political legacy gets ripped to shreds before his very eyes [VIDEO]
Tory underfunding has just forced an NHS Trust to privatise surgeries to free up bed space for impending Winter crisis
Lancashire suffers 17 earthquakes in 9 days following resumption of Cuadrilla Fracking operations
New figures reveal The Daily Mail has lost almost 1,000,000 readers in the last 10 years
Tory Councillors gorge themselves on £1,600 feast just MOMENTS after cutting free transport for disabled kids
Tory MP who CRIED at Universal Credit horror stories votes to BLOCK Universal Credit Impact Assessment publication
Homicides up 33%. Knife Crime up 62%. Robberies up 58%. Are your own crime figures just “scaremongering” now, Theresa?
Theresa May has just “days left as PM” after ‘committing UK to extra year in the EU’, Tory MPs warn
The Tories’ horrific hypocrisy on Yemen is being called out in spectacular fashion
Tories ‘broke UN law’ over decision to ban UK mental health groups from World Mental Health Summit in London
Tory Mayor bills taxpayer £530 for CHAUFFEURED car to HOMELESSNESS MEETING
WATCH: Tory Disability Minister tells person with severe learning disabilities “pick up the phone” or we’ll slash your benefits [VIDEO]
LISTEN: Leading Tory Brexiteer falsely claims ‘all English people are entitled to an Irish passport’
WATCH: Tory MP inadvertently reveals how her own party sneak through tax cuts for the rich [VIDEO]
Tory Chairman Brandon Lewis humiliates himself after claiming “big increase” in young people joining the Tories
The Tories want to change rules to allow fracking to continue even if it triggers full-scale earthquakes. Seriously.
The Guardian essentially just urged Labour voters to switch to the Tories – the backlash was absolutely monumental [TWEETS]
ABBA could sue the Tories over Theresa May’s Dancing Queen Tory Conference stunt
WATCH: The BBC just falsely labelled Jeremy Corbyn’s policies as “Communist” [VIDEO]
This Tory MP literally just suggested legalising incest so family members can avoid inheritance tax
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